Even if many don’t want to admit it – the moment an employee takes over the management of a project, he/she is automatically a manager. The tasks of a manager include much more than “just” being higher up in the hierarchy!
This already begins with the so-called authority to issue directives and flows into the topic of responsibility.
The moment someone takes on leadership responsibility, their world is no longer the same – a fact that especially managers who have come out of the team often do not want to admit!
Not everyone is a natural born leader – but everyone can learn what makes a good leader. This course teaches the basics of good leadership in a vivid way and gives the participant a guideline on how he/she can implement his/her leadership tasks in the future.
Being aware of your own position and posture
Getting to know(learning) your own job description
Finding your own management style
Getting to know the different types of employees
Recognition and prevention of management errors
Getting to know and using management tools
Improvement of the own organisational ability
My own position / role
Definition: What is leadership (leading versus managing)
Definition: Authority to issue instructions
Different management styles/types
Different types of employees
Mismanagement of staff
Some Leadership tools: – the art of delegating – Self Management – Shop floor management (optional) – Organize meetings properly